The Cavalier Trilogy: Book 03 - Glimmer in the Shadow Page 44
The End
About the Author
Jason McWhirter has been a history teacher for eighteen years. He lives in Washington with his wife, Jodi, and dogs, Meadow and Macallan. And yes, their new puppy was named after one of his favorite scotches. He is a certifiable fantasy freak who, when he wasn’t wrestling or playing soccer, spent his childhood days immersed in books and games of fantasy. He’d tumble into bed at night with visions of heroes, dragons, and creatures of other worlds, fueling his imagination and spurring his desire to create fantasies of his own. When he isn’t fly fishing the lakes and streams of the Northwest, or wine tasting and entertaining with his wife and friends, he spends his spare time sitting in front of the computer writing his next novel or screenplay.
Ru’Ach: An elven word used to describe the source of all life…thought of as a river of energy that created all things.
Kulam: Training facility for cavaliers.
Ekahal: An elvish wizard
IshMian: Elven name for a cognivant, a person gifted with mental powers. Little is known of this power but the gifts range from telekinesis, ESP, to mind control.
Ty’erm: Sharneen term used to describe a meditative state.
Akron: Military term that means a thousand men.
Modrig: Military term that means five hundred men.
Ludus: Military term that means two hundred and fifty men.
Pandar: Military term that means fifty men.
Nock, or Nocking: The nock is the end of the arrow that has a crevice for the string. To nock an arrow is to put an arrow to string.
Telsirium: A form of magic use where the wizard can use the energy of the things surrounding him/her. The energy can be accessed quickly but only in small amounts, contrary to accessing the Ru’Ach directly, which gives the wizard as much power as he or she can control.
Kufura: Training facility for Blade Singers located deep in the Aur’urien Forest.
The Silvarious: Elite group of elven rangers whose job is to patrol and protect the borders of the Aur’urien forest.
Togric: Dwarven rank which means Master Trader, second rank.
Al’dun-mera: Elven for stone of power. These stones are rare and are thought to have fallen from the sky. They hold energy and can be used to bind spells.
Dakeen: Dwarven elite guards to the king of Dwarf Mount.
Daz-rothos: Dwarven skill where one who is Daz-athros can speak to the stones.
Daz-athros: Dwarven stone speaker. A rare skill reserved for Master Traders.
The Cavalier Trilogy
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